The Night The Ghost Got In Commonlit

The night the ghost got in commonlit – As “The Night the Ghost Got In” by James Thurber takes center stage, this opening passage beckons readers into a world crafted with meticulous detail and profound insight, ensuring a reading experience that is both captivating and distinctly original.

This short story, a masterpiece of American literature, transports us to a realm where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, inviting us to question our perceptions and confront our deepest fears.


Ghost got night

James Thurber’s “The Night the Ghost Got In” is a humorous and thought-provoking short story that explores the themes of fear, the unknown, and the nature of reality. The story takes place in the home of a young couple, Harold and Edna, who are visited by a mysterious ghost one night.

The Ghost’s Arrival

The ghost’s arrival is sudden and unexpected. It appears in the doorway of Harold and Edna’s bedroom, a tall, thin figure with a white sheet over its head. The ghost’s presence fills the room with a sense of dread and unease.

The Ghost’s Identity and Motives

The identity of the ghost is never revealed, and its motives remain a mystery. Some speculate that it is the ghost of a former owner of the house, while others believe it is a figment of Harold and Edna’s imagination.

Whatever its true nature, the ghost’s presence has a profound impact on the couple.

The Characters’ Reactions to the Ghost, The night the ghost got in commonlit

Harold and Edna react to the ghost in very different ways. Harold is initially terrified, but he eventually comes to accept the ghost’s presence. Edna, on the other hand, is more skeptical and refuses to believe that the ghost is real.

The Resolution of the Story

The night the ghost got in commonlit

The story reaches its climax when the ghost leads Harold and Edna to a secret room in the basement. In the room, they find a chest filled with gold coins. The ghost then disappears, leaving Harold and Edna to wonder what it all means.

Themes and Symbolism


The story explores several important themes, including the nature of fear, the unknown, and the power of imagination. The ghost represents the unknown and the unpredictable, and its presence forces Harold and Edna to confront their own fears.

Literary Devices

The night the ghost got in commonlit

Thurber uses a variety of literary devices in the story, including foreshadowing, irony, and humor. The story’s title, “The Night the Ghost Got In,” foreshadows the ghost’s arrival and the events that follow. The use of irony is evident in the fact that the ghost, which is initially seen as a terrifying figure, ultimately leads Harold and Edna to a treasure.

Cultural and Historical Context: The Night The Ghost Got In Commonlit

The story was written in 1933, during the Great Depression. The story’s themes of fear and uncertainty reflect the social and economic conditions of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the central theme of “The Night the Ghost Got In”?

The story explores themes of fear, the unknown, and the nature of reality.

How does the ghost’s arrival affect the characters in the story?

The ghost’s presence creates a sense of unease and disrupts the characters’ sense of normalcy, forcing them to confront their own fears and beliefs.

What is the significance of the ending of the story?

The ending leaves the reader with a sense of ambiguity, suggesting that the true nature of the ghost and its motives remain unknown, highlighting the enduring power of the unknown.